Thursday, March 24, 2011

Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality (AR) is something very new and intriguing for me. This is surely and effective way of delivering an e-learning content.

I don't know the principles of designing AR and certainly this is something that I need to explore.   

Sunday, March 13, 2011

E-learning Project Management

I found this video very informative in terms of content and the design facilitates easy understanding of the message.

This video presents comprehensively the topic of e-learning project management and the outline and flow of information is easy to follow. This is very appropriate for a person like me who is not very familiar of how an e-learning project is managed in a corporate setting.

The design of the video is simple but very effective. The text, audio and pictures are integrated well with a purpose of effective cognitive load management. The use of the author's picture (indicating learning agent) and voice and the way the topic is presented as the author's a real experience reinforces the achievement of the instructional goal.

I strongly recommend this video as a resource for learning about managing e-learning projects.